How to activate CleanMyMac

To start the installation and activation process, please follow the steps below:

1. Activate the license via the following link:

2. Download CleanMyMac.

3. Double-click the downloaded CleanMyMac.dmg file and drag the CleanMyMac icon into your "Applications" folder.


Cleanmymac Anleitung.png

4. Open CleanMyMac and click "Unlock Full Version" in the top-right corner of the application window.

Cleanmymac Anleitung 2.png

5. In the dialog box, click "I already have a license" at the top-right.

Cleanmymac Anleitung 3.png

6. Sign in with your MacPaw account credentials (email and password).

Cleanmymac Anleitung 4.png

7. Once you've entered your credentials correctly, the functionality of CleanMyMac will be unlocked.

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