There are three methods by which you can install Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) onto your license server:
Install Remote Desktop Services Client Access Licenses Automatically
Install Remote Desktop Services Client Access Licenses by Using a Web Browser
Install Remote Desktop Services Client Access Licenses by Using the Telephone
Before installing RDS CALs onto your license server, note the following:
You must activate your Remote Desktop license server before you can install RDS CALs onto your license server. For more information, see Activate a Remote Desktop License Server.(
A license server must be activated to certify the license server and allow the license server to issue Terminal Services client access licenses (TS CALs). You can activate a license server by using the Activate Server Wizard in the TS Licensing Manager tool.
There are three methods by which you can activate your license server:
Activate a Terminal Services License Server Automatically
Activate a Terminal Services License Server by Using a Web Browser
Activate a Terminal Services License Server by Using the Telephone
When you activate the license server, Microsoft provides the server with a limited-use digital certificate that validates server ownership and identity. Microsoft uses an X.509 industry standard certificate for this purpose. By using this certificate, a license server can make subsequent transactions with Microsoft.
If a license server is not activated, the license server can only issue temporary TS Per Device CALs, which are valid for 90 days, or TS Per User CALs.
You need a license code to install RDS CALs onto your license server. A license code is provided when you purchase your RDS CALs.
You can install both Per User and Per Device CALs onto the same license server.
You can install RDS CALs for different product versions onto the same license server. For example, you can install both Windows Server 2003 TS Per Device CALs and Windows Server 2008 TS Per User CALs onto a license server that is running Windows Server 2008 R2. This provides you the ability to have one license server provide RDS CALs to Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) servers running various versions of Windows Server.
In Windows Server 2008 R2, Terminal Services client access licenses (TS CALs) are now called Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs).
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