Create Image to Recover Data from a Bad Drive with 7.x Version

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Windows (version 4.x - 7.5)



Only image part of a huge drive is also allowed, so canning half even quarter of a huge drive (usually larger than 2TB) each time is possible. As going through an entire large drive occasionally results in frozen or out of memory issues.

But for a bad drive which is physically damaged and you cannot scan with 8.0 or a later version, this option may fail to image the drive either.

How to create the image file

Come to the partition/disk list page first, select the partition/disk you want to recover data from, click Disk Image > Disk Image to start creating the image file.

Please note that only ticking the option Advanced Wizard Mode allows you to divide a complete large drive into several states of peace. You can find the option in the first step of Disk Image Wizard.


Step 3 includes a disk map, the user can specify the size of each image files here. Entering start/end sector numbers or dragging the disk map can both help you create an image file with only part of a hard drive included.

How to use the image file

Use Open Disk Image option under the same page, the same menu to load the image file just created, then start a scan from the new added virtual drive.


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