Solutions about Drive cannot be Found by EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Windows

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Windows


When you run EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Windows to recover lost files but find that the drive is not listed, you probably could find a solution here.

If only the drive that you want to recover is not listed in our product, you need to open Disk Management to check the status of this drive. How to open it:

All the hard drives will be listed under Disk Management. You may check whether the bad device is listed or not.

Windows Disk Management 1


Case 1: The device is "Not Initialized"

Generally, Windows System will show you a pop-up window when you connect the drive with "Not Initialized" issue to your computer. Please click "Initialize" in the pop-up window or Disk Management to initialize the drive. Then, run EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Windows to scan the drive. The Initialization only re-allocate the disk so it could be detected correctly by the computer. The data is still recoverable after you initialize the disk.
Windows Disk Management 2

In case of the disk could not be initialized correctly, we are afraid the hard drive might be physically damaged. Please take a screenshot of the error message and sent to Our engineers will help you confirm the issue.


Case 2: The device is “No Media”

Hard drive displayed as “No Media” under Disk Management is not detected rightly by the computer. The hard drive was damaged. You should send the drive to a store to fix the issue.

Windows Disk Management 3


Case 3: The issue with the USB Port or USB Cable.

If it is an external device and cannot be detected by Disk Utility at all, please make sure the USB cable is good. You could change a USB cable to connect it. If it still does not work, the USB port you are using must be dead. Unplug your device and plug in it in some other USB port, like the BACK port of the desktop.

If the drive still cannot be detected in Disk Utility, please check the power supply. Single USB ports can provide only 5 V. In that case, make use of USB cable having one USB connection for the external drive and two for Mac. This will supply the power required by the external hard drive.

USB Cable


If none of the methods above could work, you probably need to send the drive to manufacturer or local hardware maintenance lab for repair.

Do you need specialized Manual Data Recovery Services?

You may need further help for tough data loss situations like reformatting drive, RAW disk, partition loss,
repartition failures and system boot error. Consult with EaseUS Data Recovery Experts for cost-efficient one-on-
one manual recovery service. They could offer the following services after FREE diagnosis:

1. Repair corrupted RAID structure
2. Unformat the drive
3. Repair RAW drive (needs to be formatted)
4. Repair unbootable Windows operating system
5. Recover lost partition (the one that cannot be recovered by software)

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