Create bootable USB stick with MediaCreationTool (Windows 10 only)

Creating a bootable USB stick for Windows 10 from the Internet

Microsoft provides the ISO files of Windows 10 free of charge.
You download the free MediaCreationTool from this page and run it. 1.

1. Accept Microsoft's licence conditions

Click on "Accept" here

2. Create an installation medium

Check the 2nd option here

3. Select the edition, language and architecture

Uncheck the box "Use recommended options for this PC" and select the desired language, edition and architecture.


4. Perform ISO download and select USB stick
In the next step, you can either copy the installation files immediately to a suitable USB stick or download the installation files as an ISO.

Set the item to "USB memory stick" so that the MediaCreationTool downloads Windows and copies it to your stick.

5. Complete the configuration

If you want to create a USB stick from the MediaCreationTool, it must now be connected to the computer. You can then select which stick you want to use. The stick must have at least 4 GBytes of memory, preferably more. The wizard then downloads the Windows 10 installation files and copies them to the USB stick or to the ISO file.

Select the storage medium that you want to format as a bootable stick.

6. The MediaCreationTool downloads Windows and copies it to the storage medium


7. You can now use your stick. Congratulations!Unbenannt7.png

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