How to install G DATA products on your Windows PC

Step 1: Download the latest version of your purchased G DATA product:

Step 2: Once the download of the installation file is complete, run it to start the installation.

Step 3: Select the desired language and click "Next".

Step 4: Select your preferred installation method (Recommended: Standard installation).

Step 5: Read the software licence agreement. If you wish to continue, click Accept & Install.

Step 6: Wait for the installation to complete

Step 7: Click Activate Full Version.

Step 8: Select Enter a new registration number and click Next.

Step 9: In the window that now opens, enter your new registration number and the necessary data. After successful registration you will receive your access data, consisting of a user name and a password, by e-mail

Step 10: Click on Activate now.

Your G DATA licence is now activated. You will receive an e-mail with your access data, consisting of a user name and a password. If you have a licence for several computers, you will need these access data to activate on your other computers. If you need help with this, we recommend this article:

Installing and activating your G DATA product (with existing access data).

Step 11: After successful activation, you still have the option to opt for the automatic renewal service. If you wish, tick the appropriate box here and click OK.

Step 12: Click on Exit. Your computer will then restart.


You've done it! Your G DATA product is now ready to use!

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